Spring Lunch

MNDA East Kent held our first Spring Lunch last weekend on April 12th.?The lunch was part of our ongoing support meetings held throughout the year.

Lunch about to start
Lunch about to start

We had a wonderful turnout of 77 diners, who were treated to a fabulous lunch, an insightful speech and lots of fun and friendship.

Our lunch started with pre lunch drinks at the bar/reception area, where we had a small information stand and a raffle stall.We sat for lunch at 12.30.? Katy Styles welcomed?everyone, thanked them for coming?and pointed out some of the awareness activities being planned and worked on.?Hazel Watts said Grace and then we were served our 3 course lunch.

Sara Jane Murray Speaking

After lunch, our Chairman Wendy Sansom introduced Sara Jane Murray, who gave a short and interesting speech about current activities at MNDA. Including such areas as support, awareness and research.

Wendy then thanked?Sara Jane for her presentation and thanked?everyone for attending and thanked various members of the audience for their efforts on behalf of MNDA.?Finally she presented Sara Jane with a bouquet of flowers.

Hazel then drew the raffle and several people went away with fine prizes.

Mark Styles thanked the events organisers, thanked everyone for coming and wished them a safe journey home.

SpringCampaignThanks to everyone who signed the local councillor letters arranged by Katy Styles, these are a most important element of our efforts to create awareness of MND among politicians and local government, the people who make the decisions that affect our lives.

The Spring Lunch organising committee of East Kent MNDA would like to thank all our guests for coming and supporting our Spring Lunch, Sara Jane Murray for speaking, East Kent College for the venue, food and drink and everyone who helped make it such a great?? success.

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