Thanet Loop Pub Collections – Easter Saturday 31st March

Some years ago a group of bus drivers on the Loop (for those not from Thanet, the Loop is circular bus route around Thanet), noticed that there were many great pubs on the route and it was decided by the group of young men that it would be great to visit each one.

It started as a fun event but soon morphed in a charity fund raising event.  Over the years this group of young men have raised many thousands of pounds for local charities, including Pilgrims Hospice, Beach within Reach and Caring for Connor amongst others.

John Rawlins

One of the regular travellers was John Rawlins, who sadly died of Motor Neurone Disease earlier this year.  The group has decided to raise funds for MNDA in East Kent in memory of their great friend.

This year the journey started and ended at Weatherspoon’s in Ramsgate and collectors travelled by the Loop to Westwood Cross on to Margate, round to Broadstairs, then on to Ramsgate stopping at over 20 hostelries on the route.

Pubs and customers gave generously to the group as they travelled around in  fancy dress. The fantastic sum of £578.51 was collected and this will be used to support people living with MND in East Kent.

MND is an incurable disease which kills 6 people every week, and life expectancy after diagnosis is usually short, so there is a great need for urgent support for anyone diagnosed with this awful disease.

The MND Association in East Kent would like to thank all the collectors for their generosity of time and for the fabulous fancy dress.  We would also like to thank all the pubs visited and all the customers who gave so generously.  Thank you all very much.

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