Category Archives: Thanks

Super Christmas Lunch

The East Kent MNDA Group were excited way back in August to start discussions with The Yarrow Hotel in Broadstairs for our Christmas Lunch.  This was the first time since the earliest Lockdown that we’d been able to plan such an event.  With everything in place:  Saturday 11 December as the date, menus chosen and 40+ people scheduled to come, we were hit by the latest fears from Omicron the day prior to the event.  It was early days so we decided to go ahead with the planned event but make a number of safety requirements, e.g. people needed to have had a booster jab, taken a Lateral Flow Test on the morning of the day and observe social distancing wherever possible.  The hotel was visited earlier on the Saturday and table positioning and ventilation checked.  Also, any idea of holding a raffle was, sadly, abandoned as it would have created too much movement around the room.  By lunchtime only one pwMND and his carer cancelled which was a huge relief.

Judy Keay receiving her awards from Chairman David

Our new Chairman David Ward, gave a speech at the end of the lunch and long service presentations were made to Chrissie Batts and Judy Keay. Both were for 10 years of service to the MNDA East Kent community and both richly deserved.

Chrissie Receiving her 10 year award from Chairman David

The event was a huge success with people happy to see each other after a long time + the hotel did us proud, as always, with excellent food, service and attentiveness by staff.  In fact, many people didn’t leave until 3-4!!

Our dearest hope is that next year Covid will be less of a worry. 

Judy and David wishing everyone a Merry Christmas

From Cambridgeshire to Kent with love…

My name is Sally Arnott and I live in Melbourn near Cambridge with my husband Richard and our four boys. So why have we been raising funds for East Kent MNDA? My sister Helen and her husband Simon Flack live near Sandwich in Kent. At the end of July 2019 they celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary with a super barn dance near Saffron Walden for all their friends and family. It was such a wonderful party yet we had no idea that their lives were soon to be be upended. During August Simon accepted that his speech and general health were deteriorating and agreed to seek medical advice. He was eventually tested in January 2020 and diagnosed with Progressive Bulbar Palsy MND. The MND Association has provided Simon and Helen with such exceptional support and guidance that I decided to hold an Autumn Half Term Family Fundraiser by way of thanks and to ensure that their great work can continue, especially as fundraising events have been severely limited by Covid.

Because of the challenge of the global pandemic, it was important to do something people could do in their household bubbles. I created a family bike ride route with a hunt for clues and a woodland animal hunt with autumn leaf craft suggestions, both routes for £5 per family. I held a raffle with the generous support of local businesses kindly donating items including a cream tea for two, a mini facial, fancy tea and coffee, chocolates and prosecco and a large fruit basket. The Autumn Half Term Family Fundraiser finished on Sunday 1st Nov to coincide with our village walking market where my sister Jane, her partner Allen and I held a cake stall and sold more raffle tickets. I’m delighted to say that in total we made over £1600.  It was so much more than I was originally hoping for and seeing the donations on the branch’s Justgiving page gave us some positivity at a difficult time! Since that event, Jane raised a further £200 from a cake stall at her workplace, Sawston Medical Centre near Cambridge, with other donations online from her colleagues. People have been amazingly generous!

From Kent to Cambridgeshire with a massive thank you ………….

Our East Kent Group and people living with MND in East Kent can’t thank Sally, Jane and their families enough for the fundraising events they have organised to raise over £1,800. This huge sum will go a long way to providing additional support for people living here with MND, especially in these Covid difficult times. Seeing great photos of the children taking part has lead us to believe we will definitely steal the idea of the Family Woodland Bike Ride – in the spring/summer of next year!!!!!

Cycle Ride for MNDA

The Pru100 cycle ride was cancelled this year due to Corona Virus. Mick Rendell has decided to cycle an alternative 100 miles in support of Motor Neurone Disease Association, as a colleague has been diagnosed diagnosed with the illness, robbing him and his family of the life they had together. 

Mick and Jackie Rendell

Mick decided to ride on the weekend of the Pru100 event. He will ride 100 miles on Saturday 15th August.  Mick also persuaded his wife Jackie to ride Pru46 miles tandem on Sunday 16th. After a hard 100 miles on the Saturday, Jackie may need to do all the work on the Sunday.

In Mick’s words

It was my intention to ride the Pru100 event again this year and ride in aid of the Motor Neurone Disease Association of East Kent.  I am riding on behalf of a colleague Craig Whitelaw who is currently suffering from this debilitating illness. Craig was an energetic Broker Consultant and who is now confined to a wheelchair unable to walk or use his hands. In the past year Craig has been robbed of normal family life and has a wife a two young children who now have to watch their husband/father suffer.

I am (fingers crossed, touch wood etc) fit enough to do the things I want (mainly cycling) without issues and feel I can help people who can’t by raising money for the worthwhile causes who support them.  The Pru100 like many events has been cancelled this year so I have signed up to do 100 miles around Kent (much harder than the Pru course) as an alternative.  The Pru run 3 events, a 19 mile ride, a 46 mile and the 100 mile, so we have registered for two distances and I will ride the 100 miles on the Saturday solo and Jackie (my wife) and I will ride 46 miles on the tandem on Sunday.

Most of us are fortunate to still be fit and healthy and Craig is one of us, a member of our industry so please take the time to look at the link below and give generously where possible.

Mick Rendell July 2020.

Mick Rendell

The course is planned and Mick has a few friends joining him. The course is about as hard as you can make it in Kent with 5,700 ft of climbing.

You can see the full story by visiting

Please give generously and thank you for your support. 

Quiz – Wrotham Arms

A quiz will be held on Thursday November 21st at The Wrotham Arms, Ramsgate Road, Broadstairs, to raise funds for MNDA East Kent. The Quiz will start at 7.30 prompt

MNDA East Kent is looking to enter 2 tables of 6 for the quiz, please email to book a place.

Entry is £5 per head, nibbles will be provided and teams may bring any extra food they wish.

There will be two games, winners of which will receive a prize. There will also be a raffle.

We look forward to seeing as many supporters turning out to support the Wrotham Arms who have been a fantastic supporter of MNDA East Kent for many years.

Ruby Walk to D’Feet MND

The Ruby Walk to D’Feet MND took place in Canterbury on Sunday 6th October.

Under lowering skies, we hoped for a period without rain and our prayers were answered and our walk went ahead without a single drop of rain.

Brian and Hilary

This year is the 40th anniversary of the Motor Neurone Disease Association. To mark this event Brian Sackett and his sister Hilary Smith organised the Ruby Walk to D’Feet MND.  Both Brian and Hilary lost partners to MND, so it is a subject very close to their hearts.

Brian and Hilary hoped that 40 walkers would walk for 40 minutes and raise £40 in sponsorship, a target of £1600.

54 Walkers turned out on the day, walking for 40 minutes around the athletics track at Lifestyle Fitness in Canterbury, raising the astonishing sum of £3,113 in sponsorship.

The event started with a group photograph of all the Walkers by the Kentish Gazette, which we hope will be published in their next edition.

Walkers ready to start

Walkers came from all parts of East Kent and some walkers travelled from as far as the Isle of Sheppey.

Huge thanks to Brian and Hilary for organising this excellent event,  especially thanks to all 54 walkers who jointly raised £3,113 in sponsorship to date, a fabulous amount which will be used to support people living with MND in East Kent and to contribute towards researching a cure for this devastating disease. 

We would also like to thank Lifestyle Fitness for allowing us to use their track and to Kentish Gazette and the KM Group for their support and especially to everyone who contributed monies towards this great fund-raising event

If anyone has any sponsorship remaining to be paid, please send your cheque made out to MNDA East Kent to 171 Percy Avenue, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 3LE or alternately to Just Giving at  If you use the Just Giving Link please indicate this is sponsor monies for the Ruby Walk.

Anyone wishing to donate can also use the Just Giving link above.

You can see Brian and Hilary give an interview to Kent Online.  It is very moving and worth a read:  this link also takes you to the KMTV interview.

National Citizenship Service Group fund raising in Thanet.

A group of young people doing their National Citizenship service selected MNDA East Kent as their charity for a series of events which took place in Thanet from Tuesday 13th until Friday 16th August.

The reason for selection of MNDA was the death of a family member, you can see the video the group made about this here

Another member of the group also had been affected by MND, you can see the video the group made about this here

NCS Thanet Group 3 Aidan Holdford, Theo Trigwell, Jonathan Stewart-Reed, Mia Hughes, Sade Allison, Imogen Kyte, George Cox, Henry Carter Edwards, Ffion Cousins, Eve Blythe-Adam, Morgan Carey, Chardonnay Tamara, Chloe Marker and Toby Saunders

You can donate to the group on Just Giving by visiting This group of young people hoped to raise in excess of £500, they actually achieved the astonishing sum of £1337.00. Huge thanks to every donor.

The events planned were:

Tuesday 13th August Walking Football with a cake sale at Margate Football Club, Hartsdown Road, Margate. 13.00 – 16.00. Admission was free. To play football, the donation was £1 and for 3 penalties the donation was £2. Full details can be found by visiting here

Tuesday 13th August at 16.35 members of the NCS Group visited 107.8 Academy FM to be interviewed. Details here

Wednesday 14th August there was a live stream on Twitter, Instagram and You Tube.

Friday 16th August the group held a NEON PARTY at Newington Green Community Centre,
Marie Thomas, Princess Margaret Avenue, Ramsgate, CT12 6HX, from 16.00 – 20.00. Entry was £3.00. There was music and refreshments.

Neon Party in full swing

Huge thanks to this wonderful group of young people, who raised £1337.00 in a very short period of time. Thanks to you all and thanks to everyone who supported your efforts and to everyone who donated.

Joe Shaves Head For MNDA

Joseph (Joe) Taylor a scaffolder from Deal, was enjoying some drinks with friends in The Farrier, Deal.

Joe Taylor

His friends tried to get him to shave his head and jovially offered to pay him to do so.

Joe decided to go ahead and have his hair shaved off, but insisted it was done for charity.

The charity Joe chose was the Motor Neurone Disease Association in memory of his Grandmother who died from Motor Neurone Disease.

Joe’s head was shaved at the end of May, donations were made by Friends, Family, Customers of The Farrier and colleagues at All Access Scaffolding in Margate.

The total raised was £300 and this was presented to Clive Hudson, Chairman of the East Kent Branch of MNDA.  The money will be used to support people living with MND in East Kent.

MNDA East Kent would like to thank Joe, his family and friends, customers at the Farrier and colleagues at All Access Scaffolding for their generosity. ff

Saltwood Boxing Day Fun Run 2018

The Saltwood Run has been held for many years on Boxing Day.  Large numbers of runners turn out to run off some of the Christmas dinner.

North Kent MNDA have been a recipient of funds from the run for many years.  We have received a cheque for £2,500.00 from funds raised at the 2018 run.

Thanks to Ross Sansom and the team organising the Saltwood Run and to all the runners who efforts over many years have raised substantial funds to support people living with MND in East Kent.

Many thanks also to the Members of Rotary Club of The Channel for their continuing support over many years.  We received a cheque for £250 for the run in 2018.

Huge thanks to everyone involved in the Fun Run:  The Runners, Ross Sansom and his team, Rotary Club of The Channel and everyone who donated. People living with MND in East Kent and MNDA East Kent are very grateful for your continuing support.

Thanks, Beyond the Valley Travel

Beyond the Valley Travel is a not for profit organiser of travel for members in the Elham Valley.

Jenny Barling who sadly died of MND in late 2017 organised the travel events for many years and was a very popular figure.

Upon her death David and Surian Tamsitt took over, continuing Jenny’s excellent work in previous years.

During the period since Jenny died the group have held many events and at these event raffles were held in memory of Jenny.

Surian Tamsitt presenting cheque to Clive Hudson, Chair MNDA East Kent

This culminated in Mid-April with the presentation of a cheque for £1,100.00 to MNDA East Kent to be used for the support of people living with MND in East Kent.

Members of Beyond the Valley Travel at the cheque presentation.

MNDA East Kent would like to thank David, Surian and all the members of Beyond the Valley Travel for their generosity.  Huge thanks to you all. fff